
“Training & Frequently Asked Questions

Training Videos (Select One)

SA Billing video 1: Introduction and Creating a Customer
SA Billing Video 2: Creating an Account
SA Billing Video 3: Run a Monthly Billing
SA Billing Video 4: Accessing Summary and Detail Reports
SA Billing Video 5: Distributing Invoices

FAQs (Click a Question)

How do I log in?
Go to and select Client Login from the main navigation. Then enter your username and password.
Where can I customize my settings?
After you log in, you will see the Settings button on the upper-right hand corner. Select that to adjust your personal settings.
Help! I can’t access certain areas.
This security is configured at the corporate network level by your system administrator. Please contact your system administrator if you are restricted to certain areas within your SA Billing portal.
How do I get started?

At the top you will see five distinct areas. This area is called the banner of the site and will always remain the same no matter where you are in the system. (1) Beginning at the top left, locate the system name SA Billing. Clicking on SABilling will return you to the Home Page. This can be used anywhere in the system to access the Home Page. (2) The next section is the Customer Center, where the majority of the billing activities are completed. (3) The next section is Reporting, where you can access all of the reports available in SABilling (4) Search for data anywhere in the system using the Search function. Enter the search criteria into this box to locate any matching data. (5) All the way to the right of the screen is the Admin section. This may only be visible to certain users with administration rights to the system.

How can I access past invoices?

To access past invoices go to the Billing History section. Billing History is found by accessing an individual account, and clicking the Billing History link to the left.

How do I email an invoice?
Go to the Billing History page for the account. Next to the invoice number you will see an option to email the invoice. Clicking here will generate an automatic email with the invoice attached, which is then sent to the account’s email address.
How can I access reports?
To access reports, click on Reporting, which can be found in the main navigation. The system has a number of pre-configured reports which allows for both summary and detail views of information from the system. Reports also offer filtering options which allows the user to filter out certain data.
How do I print/download a report?
When a report is run, there are several options to print or download it. Download as a .PDF, .CSV or as a Microsoft Excel file. Choose the file format that best works for you, download the content and then print the report or attach it to an email.
Still Need Help?

If you can’t find the answers to your question, feel free to contact our support team. Email: Phone: 1-855-459-5310